Additional Content

In addition to my articles on this blog, please see the links below for articles, books, surveys, classes and lectures hosted elsewhere...


IFMA State of Digital Twin 2023 - Data Analyst and Author
AUGICon - Digital Twin from the Owner's Perspective - Speaker (video, slide deck, & long form handout available)
AECTechCon - Digital Twin from the Owner's Perspective - Speaker
AECTechCon - Winning in the IoT Rat Race - Speaker
TLAs/FLAs for FIM/IWMS @ R.O.I. - Author
2024 AUGI Annual Survey - Data Analyst and Author




Construction Document Handover - Constructed Futures Podcast Guest
Fabulous Freebies for CAD Users 2021 - Cadalyst Contributing Expert


BIM in FM - BIMxt Network Guest Speaker (PRESENTATION AND VIDEO)
BIM in FM - BIMThoughts Podcast Guest (AUDIO ONLY) (youtube)
AUGI 19th Annual Salary Survey - Author and Data Analyst
Fabulous Freebies for CAD Users 2020 - Cadalyst Contributing Expert
A Partnership May Transform Traditional GIS, BIM and CAD Data Exchange - Author


AUGI 18th Annual Salary Survey - Author and Data Analyst
Fabulous Freebies for CAD Users 2019 - Cadalyst Contributing Expert
Washington University Finals Exam - Guest Lecturer

Fabulous Freebies for CAD Users 2018 - Cadalyst Contributing Expert
AUGI 17th Annual Salary Survey - Author and Data Analyst


Job Search Poll - Writer
2016 Year in Review - Writer
Fabulous Freebies for CAD Users 2017 - Cadalyst Contributing Expert
A User’s Take on AutoCAD 2018’s Top Features - Interviewee
AUGI 16th Annual Salary Survey - Author and Data Analyst



Career Advancement Goals - Writer
Do you 3D print in-house? - Writer
Hardware Review - Lenovo P700 Workstation ( - Author
Does the classroom prepare new employees? - Writer
AutoCAD 2016 tips in pictures - photographer
AUGI 14th Annual Salary Survey - Author and Data Analyst
In-house customization and programming - Writer
Salary Resources - Writer
Are you currently job searching? - Writer
Processes and Procedures Documentation - Writer
Essential 3rd party applications - Writer
How to Get Started in Social Media - Tipster
When do you upgrade your Autodesk software? - Writer
Do you have a side job? (gigonomics) - Writer
10 Years of Blogging - Writer
AutoCAD and LT: No Experience Required 2016 - Technical Editor
Most Frequently Used Command - Writer
A day in the life of a CAD user - Reality Star
2014 Surveys in Review - Writer
Setting Achievable Goals - Writer
AU2014 General Session - Reporter


Fear of Public Speaking? - Writer
No Sheet! AutoCAD Sheet Set Manager - Lab Assistant
Hardware Review: Lenovo ThinkStation P300 - Author
Is Your Boss Older Than You? - Writer
Salary Survey Supplemental - Data Analyst
Autodesk University AU2014 Attendance Poll - Writer
AUGI Annual Salary Survey - Author and Data Analyst
Member Profile, What is Average? article and infographic - Author
Participating in the Salary Survey - Writer
Marine Industry Community - Writer
Board Drafting - Writer
AutoCAD and LT: No Experience Required 2015 - Technical Editor
Are you job searching? - Writer
Archibus Processes, Users and Roles - Writer
What makes you leave your job? - Writer
Poll: When did you join AUGI? - Pollster
100 Fabulous Freebies for CAD Users - Cadalyst Contributing Expert


String Theory: Searching Forums for Answers - Author
Year in Review -Writer
String Theory: How to make a good forum post - Author
Programming Boot Camp - Lab Assistant
VBA - Lab Assistant
Scheduling in AutoCAD MEP - Lab Assistant
AutoCAD MEP Fundamentals - Lab Assistant
Resources for your salary negotiations -Writer
String Theory: Forum Highlights - Content Curation
Survey on Local User Group (LUG) Membership - Writer
AUGI Annual Salary Survey - Author and Data Analyst
BIM Usage by Industry / Trade / Market Segment - Data Analysis
Who Manages Your Technical Documentation? - Writer
Revit MEP and the Salary Survey - Data Analyst, Writer
Currently Job Searching? (pdf) - Writer
How do you decide when to do a software upgrade? (pdf) - Writer
AutoCAD and LT: No Experience Required 2014 - Technical Editor
AUGIWorld: AutoCAD Tips and Tricks from the Dork Side (pdf) - Author
How to make your own professional headshot - Photographer
Learning Methods (pdf) - Writer


AUGI 11th Annual Salary Survey - Writer / Analyst


2011 Salary Survey Podcast (with Mark Kiker) - Speaker
AUGI 10th Annual Salary Survey  - Survey Manager


AU2010: BIM - One Size Does Not Fit All - Panelist
AU2010: Media Commentary - Interviewee
CSI - St.Louis - BIM Bottom Line - Panelist
AUGI 9th Annual Salary Survey - Survey Manager
100 Fabulous Freebies for the CAD User -  Contributing Expert (recommended 13 must-have programs)
CAD Management Podcasts with Mark Kiker - Writer/Podcaster
Finding a Design Job - Part 1
-- Where to look for job postings
Finding a Design Job - Part 2
-- The process of the salary survey and how to use information from many sources to get the best overall picture
Finding a Design Job - Part 3
-- A discussion on networking, importance and benefits of giving as well as receiving
Finding a Design Job - Part 4
-- How good practices with resumes and cover letters can get your foot in the door
Finding a Design Job - Part 5
-- Interviewing skills, finding out if you're a good fit
Finding a Design Job - Part 6
-- Increasing your visibility and marketability (presentation, public speaking, your internet presence)

AutoCAD 2010: Odds and Ends - Author
Proposal review for Delmar | Cengage Learning 
AutoCAD Exchange - Speaker/Interviewee:
BlogNauseum: A Gaggle of Geeks - Interviewee


CADalyst - Contributing Editor
AUGIWorld Central America (Espanol) (print and electronic magazine)
           Mexican and Central American Salary Survey and Article
 AUGIWorld Brazil (Portuguese) (print and electronic magazine)
           Brazilian Salary Survey and Article 
AUGIWorld Europe (Deutsch) (print and electronic magazine)
           German, Swiss and Austrian Salary Survey and Article
AIA Convention : 'Leveraging your technical experiences as a writer' - Interviewee
TechNewsWorld Magazine: Cities of the Future, Part 1: The Hyperstructure Concept - Interviewee
(see also, my brief article: Contemplating MegaStructures)

Applying AutoCAD 2008 - Technical Editor

Women in Technology Networking Group Kickoff (Lewis & Clark) - Speaker




Gateway AUG Monthly Newsletter - Writer, Editor


AUGI Surveys - Survey Director (selection of survey/poll tools and topics, survey creation, tabulation, publishing of results in graphical format)
AUGIatAU - Social Media Liaison (posting news and updates during live events, and sharing information on user group and educational events throughout the year)
GoAUGI - Instagram Social Media Liaison (posting some news, but, mostly fun pictures)
Women in BIM (WIB) - Regional Lead
BricSys - BricsCAD Social Media Influencer


Alpha Sigma Lambda (ASL) - Webmaster (site creation and update)
The NonTraditional Billiken -  Student Blogger for Saint Louis University
AutoCAD Community (user-run) - Community Chair (channel updates, team leadership)
Gateway AUG - Board Member (meeting organization, forum and news updating, presenting - Co-Founder, President 2006-2008)
AUGI Surveys - Monthly Survey Manager (html forms, tabulating results, posting reports - 2004-2007)
String Theory - Content Manager (topics about and highlights from the AUGI forums, published in AUGIWorld Magazine)
AUGI - Social Media Coordinator (sharing information and responding to user comments on AUGI social accounts; TwitterGoogle+Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn)
2011-2013, 2015-2019

Tip Jar: 

If you have benefited from any of my articles and would like to show appreciation, 
my Venmo tipjar is here.

Thank you!