The survey is over on the right-hand column, below the Quick Links.
You can see the results of last month's poll in HotNews.
Please feel free to chime in, no matter what flavor of AutoCAD you're using... vanilla, LT, electrical, mechanical, architecture, mep...
Please pick the primary version you/your company is currently using. We'd really like to know.
I'll be adding a little bit of commentary on the article with the numeric results, and I'd love to quote you! Please add a comment below (or shoot me an email) with a quick reason for the version you are using. For example:
We're using 2012 (MEP) because we only have 3 seats in-house and work with a lot of outside files, so it is just simpler to keep on the current release. - Melanie Perry, facilities management
We're using 2005 (vanilla) because we use an add-on software that hasn't been updated to work on a newer version of AutoCAD. - Joe Schmoe, ABC HVAC
Thank you for your participation!
I was going to say there should be a poll for Revit, but then quickly realized that would be a relatively useless survey as the majority would be on the current release... :)
LOL, indeed!
Not to worry, I will have a different poll for Revit users, too (I think it's scheduled to run in April).
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