Autodesk brought together some bloggers and journalists this spring for the AutoCAD 2011 Launch Webcast. We were flown to San Francisco and watched the webcast as it was being filmed, then we had the opportunity to sit down with product managers and other employees, who asked our opinions, and answered many questions for us (okay, that also includes, listened and took notes while we complained).

I haven’t yet blogged about it, but, I’m going to be posting my notes and photos from the even over the next three days. They will be product highlights and brief observations.
Here Shaan Hurley lists some of the participants:
The AutoCAD History Page:
And a huge collection of great links from folks talking about the 2011 products:
Below, I’m pasting in my live commentary from the event (delivered via my twitter account), this commentary also contains links to some photos I posted at the time.
Any of these hyperlinks below could lead to twitter, or associated photo-hosting services, so, if your corporate policy blocks those, it’s probably best that you do not click on any of the links below.
Twitter Archive:
I'll be heading to an event in San Francisco next week and will be tweeting about it here. Join via webcast:
What does it say about me I've got a suitcase for a 2 day trip? How about if I tell you it's 2/3 electronics? :-)
American Airlines $25 checked bag fee = ouch. Next time I'll forget the clothes...
@bcbenton I can live without wifi... but not my makeup and contact bag. :-)
Despite rude people and clueless people, the staff made check-in and security go surprisingly smoothly. Never seen Lambert staff so friendly!
Hmm looked packed, and it seems the flight is overbooked... They're trying to bribe people now... Wednesday, March 24, 2010 11:19:56 AM
I understand not wanting to pay the fees, but, at this point, I think you on-board suitcase people are a pain because you're holding us up. :) I'd like to take off, please
Emailing with the boss's assistant about a meeting she is assisting in for me. Trying 2 remember each auditorium's layout, need more coffee.
Just experienced one of the smoothest landings ever. Waiting to get off, my knees are killing me...
@bcbenton yeah. I just got on the bart. How long is my ride from SFO going to be? :-D
Just checked in... Nice view of the water & the Gallery.
GORGEOUS weather in San Fran!
Getting settled in now & recharging my batteries (iPhone & coffee). Wednesday, March 24, 2010 6:02:30 PM
Ah that's what that was. I recorded some of it out of curiosity RT @mrcadman: Checking out an Immigration March. Wednesday, March 24, 2010 6:25:43 PM
@bcbenton lol it's cool. @thecadgeek and I were just commiserating about battery life (same thing @ AU last year, hmm wonder why?).
All necessary office components set up and operational! Now for my ironing (yay :-/ )
@thecadgeek @haubert LOL not normally something I pack, but, @caddmanager and I are going to try recording a little at some point.
@C3D_RickGraham going to try to record a couple of podcasts in the relative silence... :-) Wednesday, March 24, 2010 7:41:02 PM
@haubert LOL I, for one, don't need to be on camera, but, they've got something cool like that over in the Gallery. I'll tweet it tomorrow.
Wow. I *just now* realized that I didn't bring a purse.
@katemorrical LOL Very true But, my AU bag is a bit bulky for a night on the town. Should've brought my other one
I see cad geeks
I know! It's terrible here! RT @caddmanager: Verizon users can connect at the restaurant - 4 bars but nothing for ATT.
Enjoying dinner with CAD bloggers, great conversation...
RT @revit3d: Revit MEP new features...conduit, cable trays and slope piping fixes. More reason to invest in BIM #Revit
RT @katemorrical: Announcing AutoCAD LT 2011!
Woohoo! :-D RT @mflayler: RT @MistresDorkness Finally my ADSK from Inventor with conduit will actually connect to something in Revit!
Checking into the Gallery
Listening to Guri Stark of Autodesk giving us a welcome talk (and asking who has the biggest camera and laptop).
Alias Sketch is being offered as an add-on to Autocad 2011 to allow you to combine artistic tools with precise geometry. Neat.
Getting ready for the webcast
#acad2011 RT @thecadgeek: Interesting stats about AutoCAD 2011
CEO Carl Bass talking about the Autodesk portfolio
autodesk has been trying to improve user interface consistency across products, visual appearance of entities in the program & interoperability
Amar Hanspal Sr VP introduces the 2011 Product Line, starting with #Acad2011
Watching Heidi Hewett talking about using Point Clouds in #acad2011
There has been a lot in the recent releases of Autocad that reminds me a lot of 3ds Max, I think I like that.
The addition of point clouds is a HUGE feature for me as a facility owner. Best big feature ever. #acad2011 Supports up to 2 billion points. Thursday, March 25, 2010 11:15:32 AM
Materials in #acad2011 WILL port across when imported into Inventor, Revit and 3ds Max Thursday, March 25, 2010 11:16:55 AM
#acad2011 now has transparency for objects. They used hatching as an example, but, it will work with any other entity type. Thursday, March 25, 2010 11:19:04 AM
They're talking CAD collaboration on the web now (if I'm recalling the URL correctly) Thursday, March 25, 2010 11:20:07 AM
Rob Cohee (Mfg Tech Evangelist) is talking about Inventor and digital prototyping (dynip & direct manipulation)
Inventor Publisher sounds like neat feature, assists in creating technical documentation for the models (flash, pdf, websites, etc) Thursday, March 25, 2010 11:29:44 AM
Arnab Ganguly (Sr Technical Marketing Manager) is discussing AEC product enhancements
It sounds like the Revit family enhancements could make it easier for we facility owners to manage info from multiple projects via linked
Now he's covering Civil3d 2011 - scalability and performance (more memory)
Eddie Perlberg ( Technical Specialist) covering Design Visualization
Hmm, rendering in 3ds Max Design with Mental Ray took almost a minute and a half, but with Quicksilver only took 18 seconds. Thursday, March 25, 2010 11:58:38 AM
Many virtual events coming up to talk about various Autodesk products
Post-webcast Q&A
In a more detailed session about the AutoCAD Family.The focus is on Power, Choice and Connectivity. #acad2011
Specific to #acad2011 - explore * document * communicate * customize (yeah, I like bulletpoints)
Item I'll use the most in #acad2011 - SelectSimilar
#acad2011 now has ability to hide and isolate objects (rather than just layers, more features individuals has customized themselves yrs ago)
Selection Cycling in #acad2011 is pretty cool, give you a list of overlapping objects, can be way easier than shifting-through.
Whoa... who let this non-dork in? Michael Beall is taking notes on paper instead of laptop or smartphone. #timewarp
Guillermo Melantoni is going into more detail on 3d (nurbs surfaces, etc)
Improvement focus from autocad 07 -#acad2011
In session, Dean, Lynn, Heidi, Mark
Point cloud of a stadium - 35 million points. Panning wasn't sluggish, cool.
Tatiana Dzambazova (Sr Product Mgr) is showing us Alias Sketch & it's AutoCAD plugin.
We've just been reassured that presentation graphic tool Impression is *not* dead (alias sketch is meant more for conceptual design).
Kate Morrical talks about Autodesk's best-selling product - AutoCAD LT
Jeff Agla showing intelligent wall cleanup in AutoCAD Architecture 2011
Adam Perry (no relation) is showing us AutoCAD Mechanical interface changes (dims shown)
RT @caddmanager: Renovation Mode in ACA 2011 will automatically create renovation and remodel entities when making adjustments to a model.
Cool models in the @autodeskgallery
Thinking GREEN with @mrcadman and @thecadgeek
Cool models in the @autodeskgallery
@kcflatlander hmm looks like twitpic had an error. I reposted.
Had a few great conversations with both Autodesk folks and bloggers. Chatted with really great geek girls. Heading to Perry's.
Oh, and, because I know I'll be asked: Yes, the screen menu is still there in #acad2011
@wkfd It was really good meeting you, thanks for the laughs. :-)
First things first, coffee...
Enjoyed breakfast with @caddmanager , now we're going to talk job hunting tips. Friday, March 26, 2010 11:09:38 AM
RT @Binrock: #Revit 2011 - Revit Video stream for 2011 -
Finishing up some recording, then I'll be packing up and heading back home. Love geek time, but, miss the family. :-)
On the BART, heading to SFO.
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