Well, I am happy to say that most of it is true.
I am, in fact, happily engaged to AUGI Board Member, Mike Perry.
We will NOT however, be tying the knot at AU... this mis-communication surely stemmed from Mike being overruled by the stronger-willed members of the board who, upon hearing of our intentions, immediately started planning our wedding.
Oh, and to clear up another point, I'm sure this was just a minor oversight, but, Lynn, I'm almost positive that Mike said 'Plasma TV's' rather than 'toasters', as you reported, just wanted to clear up any confusion! Thanks. ;)
We were actually IN the jewelry store getting my brand spanking new engagement ring adjusted when the first of the calls came in.

Anyway, the ring is gorgeous, we are happy (except for all of the attention we're receiving on various newsgroups and forums). And, I already mentioned that we're not getting married at AU, didn't I?
Thanks to everyone for the Congratulations and Well-wishes. It is strange to me to have been blessed enough to find love with someone with whom I have enjoyed working with for so long, although, we're not the first couple to have met via AUGI, and I'm sure we won't be the last.
(oh, and how much of a geek am I? I am strangely tickled by the fact that my initials will be MEP... hehehe... man, do I need to get out more...)
Your pic didn't work, but congrats nonetheless. I also had to make mention of you on my blog.
Beth, I figured I wouldn't be able to figure it out on my first try, I'll make an attempt to go back an fix it.
;) lol. Thanks for the mention on your blog, and the well-wishes. Much appreciated. There's a lot of love out there in the autocad community.
erm... I WILL draw the line at mentioning AUGI during our exchange of vows, though! we're first-rate nerds, but, we're not THAT bad.
congratulation very happy you are taking away our best man in london. but it's a good excuse to come to visit you in that desolate place where you live (that is if you invit us). anyway when will be able to meet you? we just look forward to know the brave woman who had the unbelievable courage to take him (is it for his fake abdominals? just to let you know... FAKE as the long hair extension). wish you well and all the best for the future
Thanks for the congrats. And, I'm also very happy I get to take away your best man.
lol... desolate? noo... well, ok, maybe a little... we'd be happy to have you, of course.
When we'll meet, I'm sure, is up to my better half to decide. ;)
Wait? Fake? What else was fake?!?!?! ;)
Hi Melanie
Congrats, congrats congrats!!! We're really thrilled for you!! And we love weddings - if we're invited that is!!! When Mickey told us about you - we had him married off to you immediately!! Any idea on the date yet!! First time we've 'blogged' so I'm hoping you get this message. Love from Mel, Jason and James XXX
mel, jason and james...
Thanks so much for the congratulations (and, I'd wager that if his hair weren't so curly it would be as long as mine).
Is nice to hear from you guys, as Mike has told me so much about you all (including that you'd had him married off to me immediately lol), and I look forward to meeting you...
The date? That's still up in the air, I'm sure he'll keep you in the loop whenever we do figure it out ourselves.
Have no idea who you guyz are.... But congrats :)
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