
What to expect with Autocad 2007 + My Favorites

Well... yesterday we were free to talk about the upcoming release of autocad, but, I didn't post anything up here because I had to work through lunch. Sorry to any faithful readers. ;)

Well, Shaan Hurley, as usual, is the best resource, since he's compiled all of the links I was going to post and more to other beta testers' blogs and tutorials and screenshots.

I haven't been as active this year as I'd like to be in learning about the new product, but, I'll tell you the three things that I will use most in my job...

internal pdf creation (I believe that's only 2D for now)
Flatshot (and additional flatten-type command, I say flatten type, because, unlike flatten, it won't have any effect on 2d linework, just 3D solids)
and my very favorite...
AECTOACAD (from help: You can create a new version of a drawing file with all proxy AEC objects exploded into basic AutoCAD objects. The new version of the drawing loses the intelligence of the custom AEC objects, but the resulting basic objects can be displayed and accessed in earlier versions of AutoCAD when object enablers are not available for those versions.)
I get so many drawings from outside contractors that were created in adt or something, and this will just help to relieve a lot of aggravation with aec objects, since only about 2% of those contractors have ever heard of their option 'export to autocad' ;)

And for those who are wondering, yes, the Screen Menu will still be there in autoCAD 2007.

Happy Cadding.

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