
CAFM Program Helped to Relocate Hurricane Evacuees

Wake County, NC Utilizes FM:Systems Software to Help Victims of Hurricane Katrina

click the above link to read the whole article, below is an excerpt:

"In September 2005, Wake County and the City of Raleigh were notified by Federal and State authorities to prepare an evacuation shelter within 24 hours. In partnership with other county agencies, the GSA was able to find and lease an 180,000 square foot building and bring on line critical life safety, mechanical, security and cafeteria systems – all within one day.
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“Within 36 hours we had a framework for managing the evacuees and all the services they needed. This created a common language around the building that resulted in a very efficient and organized operation. Evacuees knew where they needed to go for services and support,” said David L. Goodwin, director of General Services Administration. “As the evacuees transitioned out of the temporary shelter and the evacuee population declined we used FM:Interact to consolidate the remaining evacuees. This reduced the square footage and support required to manage the population and eased the location and connection of evacuees to the service providers they needed.”

Added Goodwin, “we did not change one business process to do this, we just applied what we knew and ‘added a building’ in our existing FM:Systems solution.”"

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