
Nerding of America

I just read an entertaining column from one of my favorite local Post-Dispatch writers, Bob R (I can't spell his last name, but, I can pronounce it!).

He's written a piece with examples of how nerds, dorks and geeks are taking over America, from business to movies and bookstores. Sweet.

You can check it out here.

1 comment:

  1. SPOON!!!, man I haven't shouted SPOON in, well, I think it was about a week ago when I was getting SMASHED by my son in Super Smash Bros.!! He was kicking my butt and, well, that just can't be, so I wielded an unrelenting "B" attack followed by an "A" and a second "B" and launched him from the screen. While he was flying off the screen I looked at him and said, "There can be only one."
