
Vote on the Autocad Features Wishlist!

AUGI is autodesk's official user representative, and they compile wishes for future versions of autocad (and branching out into other products), which are submitted directly to the 'desk.

Past AU's have shown that many of these wishes make it into Autocad, so go to http://www.augi.com/autocad/ballot.asp and rank the current wishes by what you think is most important.

AUGI has just started making multiple submittals a year rather than just waiting for the annual meeting in the winter, so, if you don't see something up there that you'd like, submit your own wish and vote for it in the next cycle.


  1. Thanks to one of my favorite Divas! You rock!

  2. you and the rest of the team have definitely put in a lot of good work... I'm always happy to promote the new and improved wishlist.

    ~cheers~ to a fellow diva!
