
it's Valentine's Day!

Well, it’s Valentine’s day… aka, Hallmark’s hypnotic recipe for market stimulation.
But… I will happily take this day to talk about love, so, if you have a weak stomach, feel free to
follow this link to tech news and skip the hoohah coming up… ;-)

I’ll assume that anyone reading this blog knows that I am engaged to the most wonderful man.
I ‘met’ Mike Perry shortly after joining AUGI (I signed up at AU 2001 and subscribed to the guilds for a while, and probably didn’t post very much until they switched to the forum system). He was always helping people, was always considerate to everyone I saw him deal with. Most people probably see his business side, references, tech support and rule reminders… but, many of you might have also seen his humorous side… funny little remarks as clever and witty as they are hilarious.

This time last year I was single and depressed, and relying on friends, close and casual, to get me through and remind me what a truly spectacular person that I am. Valentine’s day is always depressing for someone in that position. But, somehow, I’ve made it through with my sanity pretty much intact.

Over the past four years, I’ve made some really close and really amazing friends through AUGI (and some other similar newsgroups), but, I’d always sort of noticed Mike above the rest. And once I became a moderator myself on AUGI, I saw how everyone would ask for Mike’s opinion. I went to Mike many times for professional advice, and also for friendly conversation. He was so sweet, and kind and knew just how to make me laugh.

We met for the first time in person at AU2004. He was so quiet and cute… not to mention the amazingly adorable accent, and in the spring of last year, we realized that we might like to be more than just friends and we haven’t looked back since.
We can laugh and cry and work and play and plan and be impulsive together.
Even the difficult tasks we’ve faced have gone like clockwork when we’ve worked together.

Being the typically emotionally reticent type, I do feel a little cheesy/treacly saying all of this, but, I just wouldn’t feel right if I didn’t take an opportunity tell the world how happy and in love I am with Mike, and how I thank God every day that we were brought together… and boy I’m glad I didn’t become an Accountant or an English teacher.

This is our first Valentine’s day as a couple, but, from the first, our relationship has felt like slipping into an old favorite pair of jeans fresh out of the dryer, just as comfortable as if it’d always been there.

Everyone has traits that they seek out in a mate, but, I do know that I’ve found in Mike so many things that I admire and respect and just feel darned lucky to have, and, whether they know it or not, every woman should be positively green with envy that I got to him first.


  1. aw that was just so sweet...

    This day is a time
    For sharing your affection;
    It’s obvious the two of you
    Have quite a deep connection!

    We send glad congratulations
    And heartfelt wishes, too,
    For joyful happiness and love
    In everything you do.

    All the best to one perfect couple from another, "The Saint" & blads :)

  2. O.K., so your post wasn't technical, but it was interesting nonetheless to understand how you and Mike came together.

    I can certainly appreciate and understand that comfortable feeling as well as coming together at "the right time".

    This is my 5th Valentine's Day with my special man. We have crossed paths for the past 30 years! We were involved with the same military vehicle club in PA in the 70's. Even though I was in Jr. High at the time, we have pictures of the same things and the same event. I sent newsletters I wrote to him and when I was in high school I even registered him (most likely) when he attended an event. It's just too strange.

    Of course we never knew this until after we met. He didn't know my family and met my cousin by accident and they became best friends. Then he became close with all of my family about 10-12 years ago and would spend every weekend with them as his second family. We never ended up at the same place at the same time even though my family kept telling me I should meet him and kept telling him he should meet me. It just wasn't meant to be.

    On Christmas Eve of 2000 we finally met and talked the whole night. We carried on a long distance relationship over 400 miles for almost 2 years. People that met us assumed we'd been married for 20+ years the way we were together.

    Happy Valentine's Day!

  3. Thanks to the Saint and Brother Blads... it's nice to see those rare relationships that can withstand all the world throws at you. ~hugs~

    Beth, ;) Thanks, it is funny how the world works, isn't it!?! I definitely believe in 'meant to be's.

    oh, and blads, I'll fix that link when I have a few, I had some technical difficulties during posting.

  4. How sweet! Isn't it amazing how you
    find love in the strangest places.

    This is our 9th Valentines Day together, and it has been as wonderful as the 1st; and I know you and Mike will have the same!

    Make sure you let me know where to send the toaster ;)


  5. Aww, that was sweet...and I'm sure once everyone reads this my bucket sales are going through the roof! ;)

    This is only my second Valentine's Day with my guy and it's still hard to believe it's been such a short time. Love really is an amazing thing, isn't it?

  6. Yes, Melanie, you definitely have yourself a keeper there. Having met both of you last year, I can see you have a happy future together.

    Once you fall for a Brit, there's no way you want to quit!

    Speaking from experience here...

  7. Welcome to the club!!!

    two years ago I had resigned myself to being single forever and was giving internet dating one last ditch effort. Thank you E-harmony!!! My MR. WONDERFUL and I married last fall. Yes I'm a CAD Diva every detail was put into a 3d model for ceremony and reception.

