
Looking for a Large-format Multi-function?

I just got the go-ahead for this, I'd been asking for a scanner for a while, and my boss says we should go for a multi-function.

I am leaning toward the hp DesignJet 4500 scanner. It looks like it can do all sorts of nice things.
I did a search on the autodesk newgroup's hardware forum but, the initial search came up with posts 2-3 years old, and an expanded search comes up with too much junk to read through. I tried doing a search for CADalyst's lab reviews, but, could only find scanners or printers.

I'm not really concerned about space, just about ease of use. I'd happily accept any opinions from people who have purchased and used this type of system.


  1. Have you looked at the Oce TCS400?

  2. RK, thanks for the link... I'm looking at a couple of Oce's right now as our local vendor has supplied me with the spec sheets (just me or is the oce sight a royal pain to navigate?), plus, I just had two friends tell me they use the Oce tDs400, and it is easy to learn to use, which is nice to know.
    Had another friend tell me he liked the Xerox 510DP B&W.
    Plus, MP sent me some links that I'll be checking out a little later on.
    Thank you. :)

  3. Have you looked at this "little" beastie?


  4. I guess I assumed you were looking at color scanners, but since you mentioned the TDS400, I'm not sure.

    We have a TDS800 (B/W) and the TCS400 (color). There may be others out there of equal quality, but I doubt you will find anything better.

    Good luck.

  5. I am leaning toward color if we can afford it (lots of markups done on these prints, and would be handy to scan some of our aerial photos as well), but, b/w isn't totally out of the question.
