
You Might be a CAD Diva

I put together goodie-bags for the ladies from CWC and a couple others, and my favorite part was the magnets (all original, I might point out), that I created for them, ala' Jeff Foxworthy, hope you enjoy:

You Might be a CAD Diva…
A Woman’s Touch:
If you love redecorating your house… and always do three alternate layouts before moving anything.
If you have the cutest little purse for going out, but, you’re torn between taking your compact or your ipaq.
If your jewelry box is chock-full of necklaces, earrings and drill bits.
If you debate with your girlfriends on jean cuts, liquid vs. powder foundation and graphics cards.

If you’re regularly called by friends and family members to setup/troubleshoot anything containing a digital clock.
If your wildest stories always start out: ‘This one time, at CAD Camp’.
If your favorite magazines include Glamour, Redbook and CADalyst.

If you’ve ever turned down a guy with the line ‘I’m sorry, I don’t date guys who use R12’
If your boyfriend/husband owns fewer power tools than you.
If you’re bar-hopping with your girlfriends and you give out your email instead of your phone number.
If your personal ad lists customization or beta-testing among your turn-ons.
If your wedding gifts are bought from registries at the following stores; the AUGI store, Office Max, the Discovery Channel Store and Bed, Bath & Beyond. (~hint, hint~)

Life at the Office:
If you are the only woman in the office, and no one would dare to ask you to make coffee.
If you doubt your ability to survive more than two days without chocolate and/or coffee.
If your desktop contents include a coffee mug, a french curve and floral hand lotion.

You just might be... a CAD Diva.

I am posting an edit here 08/06 to include a link to You might be a Redneck CAD Tech if... from MEP blogger Kelly Swa. Good stuff.

I'm posting an edit here 07/08 to include a link to You might be using AutoCAD Too much if... from blogger Brian Benton.


  1. Soo.. what's a brother to do if he finds these attributes enchanting? Use BATTMAN?

  2. lol... doug, doug, doug... what's a CAD Diva to do in the face of bad nerd jokes? ;)

    If a brother finds these attributes enchanting... he is to be on his best behaviour all year long and pray to whatever god(s) he worships that a Diva notices him and finds him worthy. ;) Few are so lucky, though.

  3. I love it Melanie!!!! Im printing it out right now!! :-)

  4. lol... Glad you like it Sam... ;) everyone certainly seems to have gotten a kick out of it.

  5. I'm soo glad to have found a sister-ship!!! Found you through a comment in A-discussion on privilages. I was the one venting in CAptain Salary. I loved the "might be a diva"!! I would have to add that complete 3d models of my outdoor wedding sight and reception hall (down to flowers and placemats)puts me up on the list. My "male" counterpart at the office found it all very humorus. Wedding party and family members found the "diagrams" a bit excessive - go figure!!!!

  6. Melanie, Melanie...we still need to discuss the whole Office Max instead of Staples thing. ;)
