
Since Sliced Bread (aka R14), a couple of blogs, Salary Survey complete

What’s the best thing since sliced bread (aka autocad release 14)?
I’ve been following some interesting discussions on the Autodesk CAD Manager’s Newsgroup… what features do these users value? Which irritate them? Which missed the mark, but, could be a slam-dunk with some more work?
Best Features Since R14:
Worst Features Since R14:
Forget sliced bread, this came out half-baked…
Half-baked features Since R14:

Hey, not to drive away any of my faithful readers, but, the AUGI home page this month is showcasing BLAUGI, the new official blog of the autodesk user’s group international. Check out a couple of posts under the heading ‘the rules of cad’, very interesting reading.

There was also some great reading in a
recent blog posting by heidi hewett of autodesk on how tv and video games affect our learning.

I’d like to take a second to make a personal THANK YOU to the record thousands of respondents to the AUGI
Annual Salary Survey, which is a project that I volunteer my time for. Be sure to keep an eye out for the next issue of AUGIworld for the first round of results! Every year we make changes based on the feedback of participants, and we hope those changes help to make the results more useful to you.

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