
My First Post!

Alright, this is my first foray into the wonderful world of blogging!
I do hope you like the name of my blog. I gave up on coming up with anything terribly clever, and decided to go with something quirky instead.

Shortly after I began my current position in 2000, some mechanics noticed the new nameplate on my office door and stuck their heads in to introduce themselves. 
They inquired as to whether I was the new 'CAD Master'. 
I said, 'I suppose it would be the new CAD Mistress, wouldn't it?'
And they snickered and asked if I was the "CAD Mistress of the Darkness"?
At which point I laughed and said 'more like Mistress of the Dorkness', and of course, like any other inane comment, it stuck. ~shrug~ so, here I am.

This weblog is primarily intended to be a platform for me to talk about CAD and all things somehow related (software, hardware, emerging technologies, management, education, etc, etc, etc,), which is alright, since, I can produce enough convoluted logic to chain the topic of CAD to just about anything! Haha! I'll also be posting news about St. Louis, the Gateway Autodesk User's Group (GAUG) and the Autodesk User's Group International (AUGI).

I am an Autodesk product user, so most of my topics will center around them. But, if I hear interesting things about other platforms, I will certainly share them here. Education is a powerful tool! 

I currently use Vanilla Autocad 2002, 2004, 2005, and 2006, Map 3D 2005 (until my next box comes in!), and Revit 5.1 (not in production, just trying to teach myself so that when Revit comes out with a Parametrically enabled Struct/Arch/MEP family of products, I can use them easily, I am an optimist!)

I work in Facilities-Management, which is one of those sort of obscure fields... so, be prepared to see plenty of things about the challenges that I face, which are unique to my position. I am always hoping to connect with more FM people and exchange information.

Please, bear with me as I learn to fully explore/exploit this medium...


  1. welcome to the blogging world...

    keep up the great work!

  2. great blog! keep up with Revit - you wont be disappointed

  3. Hello Melanie

    I am a user of ACAD 2000 in the machine shop where I work. I do some drafting work as well as machining on the shop floor. I truly enjoy working with ACAD and applying it directly to a project.

    I`m not too terribly experienced with this product.Fortunately I happened across your site. Hopefully I may call on you for some assistance .

    Anthony Wilson

    I`m also interested in checking out the phislophy area

  4. Hi, Anthony! :)

    You enjoy autocad? Well, admitting is definitely the first step!

    if you ever have tech questions, be sure to hit either of the following sites



    that's where the best in the business hang out...


  5. So, how did the Revit 5.1 training ever work out for you? I'm glad you had the foresight to know that Revit MEP would someday be a part of your life.

    Keep up the "Dorkness"


  6. Greg,

    :-D If I hadn't mentioned, it was really awesome getting to meet you at the Blogger's social at AU this year. :-)

    And, yes, I had the foresight. The first year that Revit was shown at AU, I stumbled on their mixer and I was immediately smacked in the face with all of the applications possible for us.
    I played with betas and NFR's, I've read blogs and watched videos, even took RCA 2008 or so online training through CADLearning... I wanted to be prepared!

    As I have said in the past, architecture alone means next to nothing to me, and so I waited patiently for an MEP product to be added to the lineup... once I sniffed that in the air, I got in and have participated in every Beta cycle for the Revit Systems/MEP product.

    It's not perfect, but, I'm happy that I'll soon be rolling it out here in my facility. We've come a long way in the past five years with regard to BIM and building systems, and I'm sure that upward swing will continue.

    Thanks for stopping by and taking this little trip down memory lane with me. ;-)
